No such thing

有時候當你在一段感情裏你可以感受到前所未有的寂寞。尤其是有 感情能夠終結寂寞 的不實際的期望時。


Sometimes being in a relationship can be the loneliest feeling. Even more so because of the unrealistic expectation that relationship shall end loneliness. 

Only you can end your own loneliness.  


Control vs decision

瑪雅.安傑盧: “你或不能控制所有發生在你身上的事情,但你可以做出 不被它們貶低自我價值 的決定”

Maya Angelou: “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”


Thanking trauma

今天我經過一個 因為過去曾有的創傷而一直避開的地方。然後我想像了一下 如果當初事情不同的話 現在的我的人生可能的樣子;我經歷了一個短暫的Nemo Nobody時刻。

可是你知道嗎?不管我有多少個人生分支, 最重要的是我現在有的這一個人生分支是好的。就算不是,我也會把它變成是一個好的。

感謝那曾經的創傷 把我從當時的路途撥開,我才會在我今天所在的地方。我們的人生中 太多事情不受我們控制的發生。如何面對這些事情的選擇,是我們唯一可以控制的。一步一步走著,也就到了一個自己可以認同的地方。

Today I walked past a place I avoided due to past traumatic events. Then I contemplated about how my life would have been if things were different; I had a Nemo Nobody moment.

But you know what? Doesn’t matter how many  split lives I have, the most important is that the one I have right now is a good one.  Or I make it into a good one. 

Thanks to the traumatic event which threw me off my path, that I am where I am now. Things happen in our lives out of our control. How we choose to face it is the only control we have. One step at a time, I was able to slowly but surely get to this place I can agree with. 

Vintage 2019 Shiraz 2

在第二次發酵後,TA(總酸度)值為5.325,PH值為3.9 - 理想的數值應該是TA值大約6及PH值大約3.4。於是我們取出約200ml的樣本來做一些實驗。




After secondary fermentation the TA (titratible acidity) level was measured at 5.325 and PH level at 3.9 - ideally we would like TA to be around 6 and PH around 3.4. So we took out around 200ml of sample to trial.

At first we tried to lower the PH with tannin rather than acid as TA level was quite close, but it was ineffective (and tasted horrid). So we started over and tried with tartaric acid, which worked very well. Then we had to decide how far we want to take it.. considering balance between TA, PH and taste, we decided on TA at 6 and leaving the PH at 3.6.

Alcohol measured at 16%, slightly on the high side. But it has lowered from the 17% after primary fermentation, I suppose it would lower during aging.

Last post I mentioned about the wine somehow “lacking depth”. So we decided to try sur lie aging for 4 months and see how it goes. 

各種測量工具 various measuring tools

各種測量工具 various measuring tools

 寶石般的紅色 gen-like red

 寶石般的紅色 gen-like red

從第二次發酵桶把酒汁轉移到demijohn裡陳釀 transferring wine from secondary fermentation tubs to demijohns for aging

從第二次發酵桶把酒汁轉移到demijohn裡陳釀 transferring wine from secondary fermentation tubs to demijohns for aging

16度酒精 16% alcohol

16度酒精 16% alcohol

Vintage 2019 Shiraz

這是一年一度特別忙碌的時期,而且也是特別緊張的時期.. 釀酒葡萄可以採收了! 由於今年夏天又乾又熱,獵人谷的Shiraz 比往年更早收成。二月9日我們手摘了約50公斤,手榨成約42L(後來初級發酵期間一度上升到50L),在籃式壓榨及第一次換桶後現在剩下27L。在它的第二次發酵階段,目前對酒汁的印象是⋯ 由於天候因素,葡萄比往年糖度更高,產生了較高的17度酒精(通常可以予想約13度)。可惜的是,它似乎少了一些深度 - 幾乎感覺不到單寧及酸度。有可能是因為高糖度造成過度活躍的初步發酵,導致我們提早結束了初步發酵(4天)造成酒汁與葡萄皮接觸時間不夠,所以我們未能將今年葡萄果實的全部風味提取出來⋯接下來就要看我們怎麼挽回了!

It is a busy time of the year, and particularly nervous time too.. the wine grapes are ready! With a dry and hot summer, Shiraz at Hunter Valley were ripe earlier than usual. On FEB 09 we hand picked around 50kgs, hand crushed into 42L (which later went up to 50L during primary fermentation) and now down to 27L after pressing and first racking. In it’s secondary fermentation phase, impression of the juice so far... with the weather, grapes are sweeter than usual yielding higher alcohol at around 17% (it is usually expected around 13%). However it is somehow lacking depth - tanin and acidity could barely be detected. This could be because of the extremely active primary fermentation due to high sugar content of the grapes, that we shortened the primary fermentation (4 days) resulting in reduced skin contact thus we failed to extract the full flavor of this year’s we need to see how we can save the wine!




Recently I have been to Aitutaki of Cook Islands. Beautiful beautiful blue lagoon, night sky filled with stars to the brim of horizon... but what amazed me the most is how friendly everyone was, especially the fellow travelers. 


我想一般來說人們有種天然的慾望,想對別人好與帶給他們快樂,所以人們才能夠團結成為社會。但是當人們分別成不同立場的團體 - 無關好/壞,只是不同 - 有不同的利益與輕重順序,使得單純的「對人好」愈來愈困難,不管有沒有私心。

I think in general people have the natural urge to be nice and bring joy to others, which is how is humans bond to create society. But as people segregate into groups of different standing points - not better / worse, just different - with different interest and priority, it becomes increasingly difficult to simply “be nice”, with or without hidden agenda.



However when I travel, I am “me”, not architect of the project, family of abc, partner of xyz. In a way it is liberating, to be in the state of simple being. Maybe other fellow travelers feel the same liberation. 



我通常選擇相信前者 - 那是唯一能夠解釋當人們處於自在狀態裡,自然表露出的善意。

Do you believe humans are born kind or humans are born evil? 

I always choose to believe in the former - that’s the only explanation for when people are in their liberated state, they display such genuine kindness.




有時候我看著他們 會不由自主的好奇這會是什麼樣的感覺呢?可以不知道分手的苦澀,並且 - 理所當然的 - 認定了這麼一個人。



Some people in my life have married the one only person he/ she has dated.

I sometimes look at them and can not help but wonder how it would feel, to not have known the bitterness of breakup, and to be so certain - by default - about being with this one person.

Is it because they don’t know (anyone else), or because they know (that this one is worth their effort)? 

until you can't

你是怎麼樣和別人成為朋友的?你們之間必然存在著一些共同點 - 同一個學校,同樣興趣,一起工作,住在附近… 我覺得甚至可以說“朋友”是我們的某一部分的延伸。

How do you become friends with somebody? There must be some similarity - same school, same interest, same profession, same neighbourhood….. I feel it is fair to say that “friends” are an extension of a part of ourselves.

跟許久不見的朋友聚會一向都是令人深思的。在我們的歷史中有一段時間我們曾經共享了將我們聯繫成為朋友的共同點;在人生的路途上我們曾經同在一個地方。然後我們作出了不同的選擇-轉學,開始新的興趣,換工作,搬家到不同的城市/ 國家… -於是我們的共同點消失了。

It is always fascinating to catch up with a friend after a period of time. For a certain period of time in our history, we shared the similarity that has brought us together as friends; we were at the same place in life. Then we made different choices in life - changed school, started new hobby, changed job, relocated to new city/ country… - and our similarity disappeared.

由於我覺得朋友是我的某一部分的延伸,透過我的朋友們作出的選擇,我幾乎可以看到如果當初我作出不同的選擇的話,我的人生可以會是甚麼模樣;像是看著一個人生分支 。而每一次這樣的聚會後我總是會感覺到一種異樣的鼓舞:

As I see friends as an extension of a part of myself, it is almost as though I am seeing what my life could have been if I have made a different choice, through the choices my friends made; like seeing a split life . And every time after these catch-ups I felt a strange encouragement:

那是一個我本來可以擁有卻選擇不要的人生。在我選擇現在這個人生的同時我也放棄了其它的可能性-或許我本來能有的孩子,又或者我本來可以得到的穩定收入… 反之我現在能夠奢侈的專注於經由工作對這個世界作出我所能的微小貢獻,以及享有通過設計表達自己的自由。我需要不停前進直到我不再能夠,才能讓這個選擇值得我的人生。

That is the life I could have had but chose not to have. I chose the life I have now by giving up the other possibilities - child I could have had, steady salary I could have secured... Instead I have the luxury of being able to concentrate on what I can give to the world through my work, and the freedom of self expression through design. I need to keep going until I can’t, to make this choice worthy of investing my life.


This song pops into mind:


“On the Radio” - Regina Spektor

(選段 extract)


This is how it works 
You're young until you're not 
You love until you don't 
You try until you can't 
You laugh until you cry 
You cry until you laugh 
And everyone must breathe 
Until their dying breath 


No , this is how it works
You peer inside yourself 
You take the things you like 
And try to love the things you took 
And then you take that love you made 
And stick it into some someone else's heart 
Pumping someone else's blood 
And walking arm in arm 
You hope it don't get harmed 
But even if it does 
You'll just do it all again

the right one



流行文化不斷的強調 “命中註定“ 的理想主義, 不管是一個人,一個地方,一個東西,甚至是一件傢俱… 當你找到”命中註定“的那個,你就應該直覺的知道。相反的,如果你沒有感覺到甚麼直覺的共鳴之類的,那麼他/ 她/ 它 或許就不是”命中註定“。


或許有的時候,但大部分不是。一對完美的情侶之所以完美只是因為,在經歷其它情侶會因而放棄感情的困難時,他們投資了大量的精力去克服這些困難;一個完美的家之所以完美只是因為,住在它裡面的人們所努力創造的回憶及渡過的人生種種… 我們甚至可以說是”堅持不懈“ 創造了”命中註定“。



This is the age of the non- committal. It is not because the time has changed, or nature of people has changed, or we live in a different world. I think it is more an inflated sense of romanticism. 

How so?  

Pop culture has been reinforcing the ideology of “the right one”, whether it is a person, a place, an object, a piece of furniture... when you found “the right one”, you ought to feel something different in your gut. On the flip side, if you don’t sense that gut feeling, he/ she/ it is probably not “the right one”. 

Is it true though?  

Sometimes, but not all the time. A perfect couple only becomes the way they are by investing a lot of effort to overcome the issues other couples have given up their relationships for; a perfect home only becomes the way it is because of the memory, the life one has created within... it is fair to say that “persistence” is what creates “the right one”.

And to be honest, I don’t believe there really is anything that is inherently ”right” without effort. It is more so when the pleasure and beauty something provides overpower it’s flaws, that the flaws can be forgiven.

Does that mean, if we are more willing to forgive the flaws, we are allowing ourselves to be at a place closer to “the right one”?  

The world you see




最終,我們看世界的方式,決定了我們所在的是什麼樣的世界。外力(例如 ”3-1法則”)僅僅只是幫助我們達到某種心態 - 一個”濾鏡” - 的工具,讓我們能夠看到我們想看到的世界。我們的心態(而不是這些工具)才是達成目的的竅門。

 A friend of mine was trying to achieve work/life balance by implementing a “3-1 rule”: work really hard for 3 weeks and travel 1 week. I hear about the most amazing destinations around the world.

We caught up recently. She is now a happier person, but has stopped the 3-1 rule. She said:

I was running away from something. I guess I have now accepted that it is what it is.

In the end, how we see the world determines what kind of world we live in. External forces (eg. The 3-1 rule) is only an instrument to help achieve a certain mindset - a filter - for us to see the world the way we want to. It is our mindset (rather than the instrument), that does the trick.

Happiness forgotten


This song was perfection.



“No Choir” - Florence + The Machine




And it's hard to write about being happy

'Cause the older I get

I find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject




And there would be no grand choirs to sing

No chorus could come in

About two people sitting doing nothing







But I must confess

I did it all for myself

I gathered you here to hide from some vast unnameable fear

But the loneliness never left me

I always took it with me

But I can put it down in the pleasure of your company





And there will be no grand choirs to sing

No chorus will come in

And no ballad will be written

It will be entirely forgotten





And if tomorrow it's all over

At least we had it for a moment

Oh, darling, things seem so unstable

But for a moment we were able to be still





And there will be no grand choirs to sing

No chorus will come in

No ballad will be written

This will be entirely forgotten

Simple story



男人A告訴男人B: “我必須告訴你一件事。如果你聽了不高興,那也沒辦法。”A開始告訴B他對B的不滿。


B: “這是你要告訴我的事情的全部?”

A: “是。”

B: “你告訴我以後心裡舒服了嗎?”

A: “舒服了。”

B張開雙臂, A與B互相擁抱。


Our Uber driver told us a story today:

He visited the small town his wife was born at Sicily, and met her extended family. The men were sitting around the table chatting.

Man A said to man B: “I really need to tell you something. If you are offended then so be it.” A started telling B about what he was unhappy about B.

At the end of it, B stood up, walked over to A, looked A in the eyes. Other men at the table thought a punch out was brewing.. 

B: “Is that all you have to say to me?”

A: “Yes.”

B: “Are you happy that you told me?”

A: “Yes.”

B opened his arms, A and B hugged.

I just wanted to share this simple and beautiful story.

Comparative and absolute

Alexander Paulikevitch : "當你面對自己時,社會將不再是重點"

我在2018年一月讀到這個引用句。現在過去了接近一年的時間,我有了什麼改變? 沒有吧,我想。我還是一樣的,一貫的我。只不過我不會再讓別人告訴我,真實的我之外我該是什麼樣子的。


個人的價值也是一樣。如果別人(“市場”)說我的性別是男性,它並不會讓我成為男性因為我確定知道我是女性⋯如果有人告訴我我不夠好,這並不會讓我成為不夠好的人,當我知道我做的已經超出”夠好了”的程度⋯ 同樣的,如果有人告訴我,我做的已經夠好了時,並不能讓我做的事成為可接受的,尤其當我知道我能夠做得更好。

正視自己 - 那些美好的與醜陋的 - 才能塑造絕對價值觀。這是唯一能做自己的方法。


Alexander Paulikevitch : "Once you face yourself, the society is irrelevant"

I read this quote in January 2018. Now it’s been almost a year, what has changed in me? Nothing, I suppose. I am still the same me as I have always been. Except, I no longer allow people to tell me otherwise.

I believe there are 2 kinds of value systems: the comparative and the absolute. Comparative value system is one that has its value determined by the “market”, eg. the value of realestate. On the other hand, Absolute value system is one that is “essential” for someone, eg. the value of home to someone. A home for someone may mean nothing more than a piece of realestate to someone else; on the other hand, market price of realestate does not change its value to someone as home.

It is the same for personal value. What others (the “market”) say or believe to be “me” does not automatically become “me”; it only becomes “me” when I don’t know what I am (the “essential”). If someone tells me that my gender is male, it does not make me male when I know for certain that I am in fact female... if someone tells me I am not good enough, it does not make me not good enough when I know for certain that I am more than good enough... likewise, if someone tells me I have done a passable job, it doesn’t make it acceptable when I know I could have done better.

Facing yourself - the ugly and the beautiful - is the only way to build the Absolute value system in you. It is the only way to be yourself.



因為中文是以單字為基本單位,辭彙是以各自有單獨意義的單字組合而成的, 因而帶給辭彙更深一層的意義。

我最近當在為一個組織複雜行為模式不一般的的家庭設計新家時,常常會想到”捨得“這個辭彙。如果你上網搜尋, ”捨得“的英文翻譯為”willing to let go (願意捨棄)“。 但是如果把這兩個單字拆開來看又會浮現有趣的事情:-

“捨” = 捨棄

“得” = 得到

“捨棄”是為“得到” - 捨棄仇恨於是得到寬容;捨棄執著於是得到自由;捨棄一些私人空間於是得到更多與人共享的經歷。在“捨得”的意義解釋中,“願意”去捨棄是必須的,但捨棄後的“得到”卻是不一定的。可是,從“捨得”一詞的兩個結構單字來說,“願意”是不存在的,而從捨棄的行為有所“得到”卻是基本的。


Chinese is such a beautiful language.

As it is character-based, phrases are made up of characters each with unique meanings, which in turn give the phrases an additional layer of depth in meaning.

Lately whilst working on a new project with a complicated family structure and unusual program, I have been thinking a lot about the phrase “捨得(she-de)”. If you g**gle it, she-de means “willing to let go”; but if you break up the 2 characters something interesting comes to mind:-

“捨 (she-)” = to let go

“得 (de)” = to gain

To let go is to gain in return - To let go of grudges is to gain generosity; to let go of attachments is to gain freedom; to let go of some personal space is to gain more shared experience. In the meaning of “she-de”, the “willingness” to let go is essential, the “gain” from letting go is optional. However in the character composition of the phrase, “willingness” is non-existent but “gain” from letting go is fundamental.

When we are filled up inside, there is little room for anything else. Therefore (only) when we let go of something we held onto - willingly or not - we open up some space inside ourselves to accept something new, to “gain”.


我一向都會游泳,但卻從來沒有完全的享受游泳。在我的認知中,游泳就是與氧氣的角力 - 動作的速度及連動的氧氣消耗,讓我覺得一直被自己追逐著,令我氣喘吁吁,筋疲力盡。儘管如此我仍然持續的游泳,主要是為了保持健康,及讓我在工地現場持續站數小時的腿能夠短暫的逃離地心引力。

留意到不同的是在我從 新喀里多尼亞 旅行回來後的第一次游泳。在 新喀里多尼亞 時,我們不知疲倦的浮潛,跟著海浪漂浮尋找海中多彩的珊瑚及魚群。身上配備的安全裝備讓我無須考慮游泳的技能程度,而完全的享受海水。我感覺到如此的平靜。

I have always been able to swim, but never quite enjoyed it. I used to find swimming a struggle with oxygen - the pace of movement and consequent oxygen consumption made me feel as though I was chased by myself, leaving me short of breath and exhausted. Regardlessly I continued to swim for fitness, and to briefly alleviate sore feet from gravity after standing on construction site for hours.

It was the first swim after traveling to New Caledonia I noticed the difference. At New Caledonia, we snorkelled for hours tirelessly, looking at the colourful corals and fishes following the wave. With all the safety gears, there was no need to consider swimming skill, and I was able to fully concentrate on enjoying the water. I felt such peace.


回到雪梨後我去了第一次的游泳,我突然留意到當我把頭埋入水中,我又能夠與那個平靜的感覺再次連結上;當我完全的沈浸在水中(並緩慢的換氣)而非急促的趕著完成我例行的游泳趟數(並氣喘吁吁)時,游泳是多麼舒暢的活動;而游泳的重點,對我而言應該是 我在水中的時間,而不是我在換氣的時間。

我終於明白了,其實我一直對 離開陸地身在水中 感到恐懼。當我放開了這種恐懼,接受了身在水中的狀況,我了解了其實沒有什麼需要懼怕的 - 畢竟,我是會游泳的。從那時起,游泳成為了我期待的活動,不再只是為了保持健康而已。


Once I was back in Sydney and went for my first swim, suddenly I noticed that when my head was in the water, I was able to reconnect with the peacefulness; that swimming was much more pleasurable when I fully immersed myself in the water (and breathed slowly) rather than racing to finish my routine laps (and out of breath); that the point about swimming for me should have been about the time I spent in the water, rather than the time I took in oxygen.

I realised that I was constantly in fear of being in water where I was away from the land. Once I let go of the fear and accepted the fact that I was really in the water, I understood that there was nothing to fear for - after all, I can swim. Since then, swimming became something I look forward to, instead of something I do just for fitness.

I can be taught the skill, but cannot be taught the enjoyment to be gained from having the skill. It is something I needed to learn myself. 

Common Sense




很多時候設計案停擺的原因,在於參與的(很多很多)人不能夠達到共識。如同生活中許多事情,最小的第一步大概是開始接受 每個人都有著跟你稍微不同版本的常識 的事實,並且準備好出發去尋找 大家不同常識版本中重疊的“常識分母”。


“Common sense” should never be taken for granted. It is the product of beliefs and habits formed over prolonged period of time, but it can be something very individualist and egocentric.

Every time when meeting a new client, it is the time to reassess what is common sense; even more so when the client is not singular - a couple, a company, an organisation, etc. It is highly likely that within the “client” there exists several sets of common sense, and none of them are absolute.

Then the nature of the project comes into play. Is it for private use (eg. house), commercial use (eg. restaurant), public use (eg. university)? The users can be specific small number, non-specific large number, or anything in between.

A lot of the time projects go on hold, because the common sense can not be shared amongst the (many many) people involved. Same as a lot of other things in life, the first baby step is probably to start recognising that everybody owns a slightly different version of common sense to that of yours, and be ready to seek out the “common sense denominator”, where the various versions of common sense overlap.

No matter how different our common sense are, there is ought to be a common denominator. It is about how much effort one is willing to invest in finding it.



我想念這種只能被必須品包圍的感覺; 它讓我直視到底什麼才是必須的。



When we go camping, we only bring the most essential. The tent is so small it only fits the bare minimum. 

I miss that feeling of able to only be surrounded by what I need; It makes me question myself, what is it that I really need.

Like detox, this needs to be done on regular basis in order to maintain a healthy headspace. 

Camping at foot of Livingstone Mountains, North Fiordland

Camping at foot of Livingstone Mountains, North Fiordland


日文裡我最喜歡的單詞之一是 “言靈 (kotodama)”。它很直白的意指言語的靈魂 - 一種信仰,相信從我們口中吐出的言語,在我們賦予它聲音後,就擁有了自己的靈魂。

我很清楚的記得一次爭吵中的一瞬間;我心中感覺到的憤怒,我腦中蓄滿了的高溫 … 還有面對充滿惡意的評論想要用更惡意的言語回敬的誘惑。但是那將會帶領我們到甚麼地方?一個充滿更多傷痕,更多憤怒的地方 - 那是我們想要的嗎?

所以在那次爭吵的那一瞬間,我選擇了說:“言わないのが美徳” - 我有不說的美德。

有些人主張誠實的重要性(誠實的活著是我的目標),但是當我們被憤怒洗腦時,說出的是我們真心的話語嗎?說出這些話為我們達到了甚麼?”誠實“ 並不能成為缺乏自我控制的藉口。



One of my favourite words in Japanese is “言霊 (kotodama)”. It means literally word spirit - the belief that the words came out of us, once vocalised, have acquired spirit of their own.

I clearly remember one moment in the middle of an argument; the anger I felt in my heart, the heat filling my head … and the temptation of fighting back the mean comments with meaner words. But where would that lead us? More hurt, more anger - is that what we want?

So in that moment of argument, I chose to say: “言わないのが美徳” - I have the decency of not saying.

Some argue that it is important to be honest (and that is how I strive to live), but do we really mean the hurtful words we say when overtaken by anger? And what do we achieve by vocalising them? “Honesty” can not be an excuse for lack of self control.

Whether or not it is a magical belief, if the words we are going to speak do not sound more beautiful than silence, why bother?

We are intellectual beings, we can choose our actions and reactions.

Where is home



很簡單的,我知道方向,知道法規,知道專業人脈 … 比在世界的任何地方,我更知道如何在雪梨生存。

的確,”家是心之所在” … 但是老實說,家該是讓人覺得最安全的那個地方。

I get asked a lot: “so, where is home?”

As much as my attachment with Taiwan has been growing continuously, I have to say that “home” is most likely Sydney rather than Taipei.

Simply because I know my way around, I know the regulations, I know professional connections… I know how to survive in Sydney, more than anywhere else in the world.

Yes, “home is where the heart is” … but realistically, home is where one feels safest.



“它們(髒辮)很 … 強悍啊 …” 他說。





I visited a client out side of Sydney. It has been a while after project completion so I haven’t seen him for some time, he was surprised to see that I have cut off my full head of dreadlocks.

“They were … badass …” he said.

He can rest assured that I do not need my dreadlocks to be badass.

I am the badass, not my hair.

Do you allow your appearance to define you? Or do you define your appearance?