今天早上在外出辦事時我剛好碰上了Rip Curl Narrabeen Classic 衝浪大賽決賽。
When running some errands this morning I chanced upon the Rip Curl Narrabeen Classic Surfing Competition Final.
I was initially curious and wanted to steal a peek, but with the crowd and traffic I ended up so far down the beach, that I could barely see a few dots floating amongst the waves and many more dots densely scattered on the beach.
So I stood and gazed at the beach; far down the beach, some dots are fighting over who spins better on the wave when the mere fact of them wave riding is already amazing.
I am sure when us architects struggle with a corner detail, to non- architects we also look like a bunch of dots fighting for something. And we can forget the mere fact of us providing physical form to various aspects of people’s lives, is already amazing.
For a little while, I simply want to gaze at the beach and quit being a dot. For a little while.