最終,我們看世界的方式,決定了我們所在的是什麼樣的世界。外力(例如 ”3-1法則”)僅僅只是幫助我們達到某種心態 - 一個”濾鏡” - 的工具,讓我們能夠看到我們想看到的世界。我們的心態(而不是這些工具)才是達成目的的竅門。
A friend of mine was trying to achieve work/life balance by implementing a “3-1 rule”: work really hard for 3 weeks and travel 1 week. I hear about the most amazing destinations around the world.
We caught up recently. She is now a happier person, but has stopped the 3-1 rule. She said:
I was running away from something. I guess I have now accepted that it is what it is.
In the end, how we see the world determines what kind of world we live in. External forces (eg. The 3-1 rule) is only an instrument to help achieve a certain mindset - a filter - for us to see the world the way we want to. It is our mindset (rather than the instrument), that does the trick.