
大流行疾病 是最能讓人類謙恭的警鐘之一。不管我們是否存在- 太陽依然升起,季節依然交替,地球依然旋轉。我們不過是許許多多的存在中的一種,並不比其他存在更好或更差。我們極有可能會消失,就像其他已經滅絕的存在一樣。


Pandemic is one of the most humbling wake up call to mankind. With or without us- sun comes up, seasons change, planet Earth revolves. We are simply one of the many many existences, no more and no less than the others. We may well extinct like one of the many that already has. 

So live, when we are alive. 

4 years ago at Phnom Penh I caught a glimpse of the post-mankind Planet Earth; unexpectedly tranquil

4 years ago at Phnom Penh I caught a glimpse of the post-mankind Planet Earth; unexpectedly tranquil

Together with the chips


We bought some handmade Mexican terra-cotta tiles few years back. Last week we finally laid them in the house. The soft undulations, accidental paw marks, irregular grout lines... are all so nostalgically beautiful. Seeing them reflecting the sunset glow brought tears to my eyes. But they are so easily chipped in the process of laying, that all these inevitable chips scattered through the floor. 


You said: “we need to love it even including the chips”


I wonder, are we able to love people, like how we love the tiles? 

Coexistence of feelings


We can feel happy that something is over, whilst we feel sad that the same something is over. Same occurrence can provoke completely opposite feelings, and guess what? These feelings are not exclusive of each other. 

在我們哀悼的同時居然也感覺慶幸 其實也沒有什麼不可以⋯歡迎見證奇怪複雜而美麗的 人性。

There is nothing wrong to grieve whilst cheering... welcome to the peculiarly complicated beautiful humanity. 

Culture and existence


人類是這麼的不適於生存在這個星球上。我們不能夠太冷,太熱,太寂寞,有太多或太少他人的注意/ 自己的野心/ 目標/ 壓力⋯ 我們需要衣物,鞋子,房子,教育,社會結構,娛樂,還有更多更多,才能夠生存。

基本上,我們人類比地球上任何的生物都不如,如果 沒有文化。

Culture is the sole reason for mankind’s existence.

Mankind is so inadequate to survive on this planet. We can’t be too cold, too hot, too lonely, have too little or too much attention/ ambition/ purpose/ stress … in order to survive we need clothes, shoes, houses, education, social structure, entertainment, and more.

All in all, mankind is much less than any other living creatures on earth, IF without culture.

Control vs decision

瑪雅.安傑盧: “你或不能控制所有發生在你身上的事情,但你可以做出 不被它們貶低自我價值 的決定”

Maya Angelou: “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”




Recently I have been to Aitutaki of Cook Islands. Beautiful beautiful blue lagoon, night sky filled with stars to the brim of horizon... but what amazed me the most is how friendly everyone was, especially the fellow travelers. 


我想一般來說人們有種天然的慾望,想對別人好與帶給他們快樂,所以人們才能夠團結成為社會。但是當人們分別成不同立場的團體 - 無關好/壞,只是不同 - 有不同的利益與輕重順序,使得單純的「對人好」愈來愈困難,不管有沒有私心。

I think in general people have the natural urge to be nice and bring joy to others, which is how is humans bond to create society. But as people segregate into groups of different standing points - not better / worse, just different - with different interest and priority, it becomes increasingly difficult to simply “be nice”, with or without hidden agenda.



However when I travel, I am “me”, not architect of the project, family of abc, partner of xyz. In a way it is liberating, to be in the state of simple being. Maybe other fellow travelers feel the same liberation. 



我通常選擇相信前者 - 那是唯一能夠解釋當人們處於自在狀態裡,自然表露出的善意。

Do you believe humans are born kind or humans are born evil? 

I always choose to believe in the former - that’s the only explanation for when people are in their liberated state, they display such genuine kindness.




有時候我看著他們 會不由自主的好奇這會是什麼樣的感覺呢?可以不知道分手的苦澀,並且 - 理所當然的 - 認定了這麼一個人。



Some people in my life have married the one only person he/ she has dated.

I sometimes look at them and can not help but wonder how it would feel, to not have known the bitterness of breakup, and to be so certain - by default - about being with this one person.

Is it because they don’t know (anyone else), or because they know (that this one is worth their effort)? 

Simple story



男人A告訴男人B: “我必須告訴你一件事。如果你聽了不高興,那也沒辦法。”A開始告訴B他對B的不滿。


B: “這是你要告訴我的事情的全部?”

A: “是。”

B: “你告訴我以後心裡舒服了嗎?”

A: “舒服了。”

B張開雙臂, A與B互相擁抱。


Our Uber driver told us a story today:

He visited the small town his wife was born at Sicily, and met her extended family. The men were sitting around the table chatting.

Man A said to man B: “I really need to tell you something. If you are offended then so be it.” A started telling B about what he was unhappy about B.

At the end of it, B stood up, walked over to A, looked A in the eyes. Other men at the table thought a punch out was brewing.. 

B: “Is that all you have to say to me?”

A: “Yes.”

B: “Are you happy that you told me?”

A: “Yes.”

B opened his arms, A and B hugged.

I just wanted to share this simple and beautiful story.

slice of time



我們共4個人 - 2x 建築師(我與Y),電工J,程序員T。


當我們終於達到共識,在寬慰與疲累的一瞬我突兀的發現,我們4個人都來自不同的地方 - T 來自東加,J來自中國,Y來自日本,我來自臺灣。我們跨過了汪洋大陸同來到這個地方為了燈光明暗調節討論到凌晨。

這個一瞬間有一種異常珍貴的美好… 喔,而且我們也解決了燈光調節的問題。

Just finished a light commissioning session on site at a restaurant we recently completed.

The session started at 10pm, concluded at 1am.

There were 4 of us - 2 architects (me and Y), electrician J and programmer T.

We stood around these tiny LED downlights, discussing about why they are not dimming with the Dali lighting control system.

When we finally arrived at a point of agreement, in a moment of relief and exhaustion I strangely noticed that the 4 of us were all from different places - T from Tonga, J from China, Y from Japan, me from Taiwan. We crossed continents to be here at the same place talking about dimming downlights until the wee hours.

There is something very precious about this slice of time…. oh and we figured out the dimming too.

(left to right) Y, T, J

(left to right) Y, T, J