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What is our job as architect in this era? 


With the current isolation requirements, it is straight forward that our job is to make isolating at home more tolerable by creating pleasant home environments. 

從這裡分岔出去思考,現在其實是一個絕好的自我反思時機。過去的10年充斥著 明星建築師,時尚趨勢,上鏡的設計 等等間的辯論⋯建築師們被 標誌性設計,個人風格設定,可銷售性 的需求撕裂⋯ 建築師的角色甚至經常性的被人們與 室內設計師,空間造型師,裝修師傅,繪圖員及3D模型製作者 混淆。

現在正是可以退去這些雜音,專注於老實說真正重要的事 - 空間 與 人類 的相互作用。

Branching off this, now is a good time for self reflection. Past decade has been debates circling between starchitects, fashionable trends, photogenic design etc... architects are torn between requirements of statement-making, signature-establishment, marketability... an architect’s role is often confused with that of interior designer, space stylist, builder, drafter and 3D modeler. 

Now is the time to shed the noise, and concentrate on what honestly really matters - space and human interaction. 


Anyway, so we have been renovating for a while now, and with the slowing down due to COVID19 the construction work is dragging on. However, we managed to make some progress (slowly) in the garden, and have turned the living room into a indoor jungle. 

我很高興我所在的空間是一個 有能力在這個瘋狂的時候仍然帶給我愉悅 的空間,就算它仍然在施工中。

I am glad that the space I am in is one that is capable of giving me joy amongst the chaos,even in construction. 
