因為中文是以單字為基本單位,辭彙是以各自有單獨意義的單字組合而成的, 因而帶給辭彙更深一層的意義。
我最近當在為一個組織複雜行為模式不一般的的家庭設計新家時,常常會想到”捨得“這個辭彙。如果你上網搜尋, ”捨得“的英文翻譯為”willing to let go (願意捨棄)“。 但是如果把這兩個單字拆開來看又會浮現有趣的事情:-
“捨” = 捨棄
“得” = 得到
“捨棄”是為“得到” - 捨棄仇恨於是得到寬容;捨棄執著於是得到自由;捨棄一些私人空間於是得到更多與人共享的經歷。在“捨得”的意義解釋中,“願意”去捨棄是必須的,但捨棄後的“得到”卻是不一定的。可是,從“捨得”一詞的兩個結構單字來說,“願意”是不存在的,而從捨棄的行為有所“得到”卻是基本的。
Chinese is such a beautiful language.
As it is character-based, phrases are made up of characters each with unique meanings, which in turn give the phrases an additional layer of depth in meaning.
Lately whilst working on a new project with a complicated family structure and unusual program, I have been thinking a lot about the phrase “捨得(she-de)”. If you g**gle it, she-de means “willing to let go”; but if you break up the 2 characters something interesting comes to mind:-
“捨 (she-)” = to let go
“得 (de)” = to gain
To let go is to gain in return - To let go of grudges is to gain generosity; to let go of attachments is to gain freedom; to let go of some personal space is to gain more shared experience. In the meaning of “she-de”, the “willingness” to let go is essential, the “gain” from letting go is optional. However in the character composition of the phrase, “willingness” is non-existent but “gain” from letting go is fundamental.
When we are filled up inside, there is little room for anything else. Therefore (only) when we let go of something we held onto - willingly or not - we open up some space inside ourselves to accept something new, to “gain”.