Recently I have been to Aitutaki of Cook Islands. Beautiful beautiful blue lagoon, night sky filled with stars to the brim of horizon... but what amazed me the most is how friendly everyone was, especially the fellow travelers.
我想一般來說人們有種天然的慾望,想對別人好與帶給他們快樂,所以人們才能夠團結成為社會。但是當人們分別成不同立場的團體 - 無關好/壞,只是不同 - 有不同的利益與輕重順序,使得單純的「對人好」愈來愈困難,不管有沒有私心。
I think in general people have the natural urge to be nice and bring joy to others, which is how is humans bond to create society. But as people segregate into groups of different standing points - not better / worse, just different - with different interest and priority, it becomes increasingly difficult to simply “be nice”, with or without hidden agenda.
However when I travel, I am “me”, not architect of the project, family of abc, partner of xyz. In a way it is liberating, to be in the state of simple being. Maybe other fellow travelers feel the same liberation.
我通常選擇相信前者 - 那是唯一能夠解釋當人們處於自在狀態裡,自然表露出的善意。
Do you believe humans are born kind or humans are born evil?
I always choose to believe in the former - that’s the only explanation for when people are in their liberated state, they display such genuine kindness.