
Some thoughts about creating a home… sometimes it is easy to be seduced by the physicality of building, but that ironically steers us away from creating architecture

culture without cultural burden

I was very flattered when Yukino approached me to design the new Simply Native Japan (SNJ) store. As a company promoting traditional Japanese artisans and crafts, SNJ brought to Sydney many hidden treasures which stood the test of time, providing a glimpse into the depth of the Japanese culture- and for such a company to approach a Taiwan-born, Australia-trained architect, to me signified a shared universal appreciation of design sensuality without cultural preconceptions. For that I remain deeply grateful.

There are 3 essential parties for a successful project delivery: client, designer, and builder. Here I had a trusting client, so what was my job as the designer? I believe that Architecture is a way of life- the physicality of design is to, and only to, support the non-physical way of the individual lives I design for - be it commercial, residential, or public project.

For SNJ, my design needed to support the value of the company. A value which questions fast consumerism, promotes appreciation of details, and celebrates characters of individual artisans. An appropriate context was necessary to bring out the essence of this value. I took hints from traditional Japanese country houses (“kominka”) and structured spaces of various proportions into the large western heritage volume of the premises. Every action in the shop - looking up the tall display wall, taking shoes off to step up into the cosy tearoom, moving the delicate screens to explore spaces - brings people one step closer to where the products came from, subtly instilling a deeper understanding and connection with the objects on display, building a sense of intimacy between people and the objects; in an abstract way, these actions also slows down the perception of time in the shop.

The relationship with the builder has been a highly collaborative and satisfying one. Haiyan and his team have brought expertise and flexibility, and most importantly, a spirit of “wanting to do better” to the build. We established a common vision from the beginning of the project, which enabled easy communication throughout the process. Like all constructions, this process was not without its unique challenges, but we were able to overcome together to arrive at a good result.

Similar to the community SNJ has created over the years, I feel this project has definitely been a team effort from the three parties. I am proud to say that SNJ is a place for people to take a break for a minute from their busy lives, to “smell the roses and enjoy the view” on their different life journeys. I hope you enjoy coming to the SNJ shop, as much as I loved working on this project.



Sometimes I like the simple quick drawings. The limited time really makes me selective of what to put on paper. We have limited time in our lives too; need to be selective on what marks to leave behind for sure. 

5 minute life drawing in Artline and ink

5 minute life drawing in Artline and ink

No theory


我聽到你說的話了,德賴斯,我真真切切的聽到了。對我而言,建築是生命的方式 - 而我們只能活這麼一次,就是現在。在未來如果有任何人想理論化任何事都是超出我的控制範圍了;我唯一僅有的任務就是有一致性並全心全力的生活著,然後相應的持續創作。

Dries van Noten: “I want to show reality, not some kind of theory.” 

I hear you, Dries, I really do. Architecture to me is the way of life - and we only live once, like, right now. How ever anyone may want to theorize in the future is out of my hands; my only mission is to live congruently and whole-heartedly, and to create accordingly. 

Beginner’s surfology 3



Life is like the wave. We are not here to change it, but to follow it. 

That’s why I want to get better at surfing.

Who’s the boss?


Everything has its own place in our lives. 

Forget profession

Joan Gardy-Artigas 說:



Joan Gardy-Artigas : 

“Profession isn’t the most important thing; One’s identity, spirit, and creations are what matters. The profession must be known and respected, but it also must be forgotten because it restricts freedom.

And this freedom leads to art.”

- NOWNESS movie “El Raco” by Marc Puig

我一直在問我自己,我們究竟是為什麼而創作呢?我想是為了經由我們的創作來傳達我們的信仰及我們的價值觀吧 - 至少現在我是這麼認為的(我也知道這個答案將會隨著時間慢慢演化)。我們的職業是我們選擇來創作的一個媒介,而這個選擇從來就不應該是單一排他的;只要我們的創作繼續維持它的真誠。

I have been asking myself, why do we create? I think it is to convey our beliefs, our values, through our creations - at this moment anyway (and I know the answer will evolve over time). Our profession is a medium in which we choose to create, and that choice is never meant to be exclusive, as long as our creations remain honest. 


「創作」是創作者的鏡面反射。身為創作者,不要刻意去創作與眾不同的作品 - 因為每一個人都是獨一無二的;如果焦點是在於誠實的反映自我,那麼創作出來的作品自然而然的會成為與眾不同的。


“Creation” is a reflection of the creator’s true self.  As a creator, don’t try to make something different - because every single person is unique; If the focus was about truly reflecting the self, then the creation would naturally be different as the result. 

And, to create better creations, we creators simply have to become better selves. 

Plant lessons 3

我養了一株漂亮的 「希望」蔓綠絨 有一陣子了。

I have this beautiful plant for a while now. It is a Philodandron “Hope”. 

最近在我早晨的例行散步時,我開始在各種地方注意到它的存在 - 公園,行人步道,想得到的地方幾乎都有。 它應該在那些地方生長了數十載了吧?只不過我不知道罷了。

Recently, during my morning walks I have started to notice it everywhere - parks, sidewalks, you name it. It would have been growing in those locations for decades, I just didn’t know.

直到自己擁有一個 希望,才能夠認出 希望 的形狀;然後你會發現,只要你願意留意四周,希望 無處不在。(我就是要語出雙關)

It takes owning one Hope to recognize the shape of Hope; and you will realize that Hope is everywhere if you are willing to look. Pun intended. 

My “Hope”

My “Hope”

“Hope” can be found everywhere

“Hope” can be found everywhere

In the far horizon

今天早上在外出辦事時我剛好碰上了Rip Curl Narrabeen Classic 衝浪大賽決賽。 

When running some errands this morning I chanced upon the Rip Curl Narrabeen Classic Surfing Competition Final. 


I was initially curious and wanted to steal a peek, but with the crowd and traffic I ended up so far down the beach, that I could barely see a few dots floating amongst the waves and many more dots densely scattered on the beach. 


So I stood and gazed at the beach; far down the beach, some dots are fighting over who spins better on the wave when the mere fact of them wave riding is already amazing. 


I am sure when us architects struggle with a corner detail, to non- architects we also look like a bunch of dots fighting for something. And we can forget the mere fact of us providing physical form to various aspects of people’s lives, is already amazing. 


For a little while, I simply want to gaze at the beach and quit being a dot. For a little while. 


Plant lessons 2



賣家:「沒有耶⋯ 我其實不怎麼為它做什麼,甚至不太給它澆水⋯ 它也這樣不痛不癢的活得好好的⋯」




I went to pick up this beautiful sansevieria from a private seller today. 

Me: “is there anything I need to watch out for in its care?” 

Seller: “not really... I don’t really do much for it, hardly gave it water... and it’s doing just fine..”

Me: “just takes it all in hey?”

Seller: “...it just loves life.”

Yes, Be Like Sansevieria. 


Somewhere over the rainbow

在電影「Judy」裡,扮演 朱迪.嘉蘭 的 芮妮.齊維格 說道:

As Judy Garland, Renee Zellweger said in the movie “Judy”: 

... 這並不是一首關於到達任何目的地的歌。 它是關於⋯ 向著一個 你曾經夢想的地方 漫步前進的歌。或許,或許這樣的漫步代表著你的每一天。而這樣的漫步本身就必須要是足夠的了。它是一首關於 希望 的歌,而我們所有人都需要 希望。

... it isn’t a song about getting anywhere. It’s about... walking towards somewhere, that you’ve dreamed of. Maybe, maybe the walk is everyday of your life. And the walking has to be enough. It’s about hope, and we all need that.

希望,就是相信著在我們面前的未知裡,隱藏著等待被我們發現的 美麗。

Hope, is to believe that beauty lies in the unknown ahead of us, awaiting discovery. 

PNG image 6.png

Not about winning but about believing

「要是放棄的話,比賽就等於結束了喔⋯⋯?」安西教練在漫畫 灌籃高手 中如是說。


“When you give up, that’s when the game is over for you......?” Said Coach Ansai in manga Slam Dunk. 

After all, only the ones sincerely believe in becoming the winner, would have the chance to finally win the game at last. 

(C) Takehiko Inoue Slam Dunk

(C) Takehiko Inoue Slam Dunk

Importance of being an outsider

亞歷杭德羅·阿拉维纳: 「設計行為即是在既有中做出選擇」

Alejandro Aravena: “to design is to prefer” 



What a resonating interview! All my thoughts over the years seem to have been organized in his words. 


To hear another person with the same thinking is such an unforgettably moving experience. 

Remember to think this way




Few months back while waiting outside the Orthopaedic surgeon’s room, another girl also waiting asked me :

“So why are you here to see the surgeon?” 

“I was hit by an ute on my bicycle, he knocked me over, drove over me, then he back the ute over me... and he repeated it 3 times... and when he finally stopped he stopped the ute right on my ankle... so I’m here to see the surgeon.” 



Through my explanation the girl’s eyes were gradually filled with horror, she covered her mouth and gasped:

“You must be a good person to have survived that!” 


... that was a thought I never had. After the accident at beginning of the year, I constantly questioned why it happened to me? Have I done something bad that I deserved such punishment? After all what the driver did was manslaughter, except he failed to take my life. What the girl said restored some positivity in me. 




Before I head into the surgeon’s room, she said :

“Good luck! And keep doing whatever good you did!” 

... Yes. Keep going, keep believing

Sin of Uninteresting life?


Alain Badiou: “If we settle on the idea that as soon as something is hard, we have to give it up... we will settle for an uninteresting life.”

- NOWNESS movie “LoveSick: The Question of Love” by William Williamson 


My question is, how is the so-called uninteresting life defined? And from whose point of view?

Change our past



Future is Past in the making. 

To change our past in the future, the only way is to live to our fullest now. 

Plant lessons




I picked up this little piece of scarred succulent broken off the main plant from a plant shop, when the shop assistant was about to put it into the trash bin. I took it home and stuck it in some soil.

A week later, it bloomed. 

It reminded me that, life or death, sometimes is only a matter of choice. 


About pho and truth


Many years ago I was at a Vietnamese eatery in Sydney with a few friends. When our beef pho’s were brought to our table with the usual side plate of Thai basil, lime wedge and bean sprout..



我與A接著進入了一個 圍繞著牛肉粉之金不換或薄荷的 頗為熱烈的爭執,與此同時旁觀的朋友B與C默默的吃著他們的牛肉粉。

A (pointing at the basil) : “These look different. Normally the pho’s come with something else... that’s right, they should come with mint! Not this!”

Me: “... I don’t think so, pho’s come with basil from memory. I’m pretty sure.” 

Me and A got into a slightly heated argument over mint and basil for pho, while B and C continued eating their pho’s in silence. 



Me (started to doubt myself) : “Fine, let’s ask the shop owner (who is Vietnamese) right here.”

A : “No! Why can’t you accept what I say is true? You are just disagreeing for the sake of it. Don’t you know you’re ruining my pho over this argument?” and stormed out of the eatery. 




B (seeing I was raising my hand trying to catch the shop owner’s attention) : “why don’t you just let him be? I’m not taking anyone’s side when you guys continue to argue afterwards about this ok?” 

Me : “ I’m finding out so I don’t remember the wrong thing in the future.” 

C remained silent the entire time. 


Ended up I was correct.

雖然我承認 所謂的「真實」其實大多都一種基於個人記憶與經歷所形成的 主觀存在,但是同時我也承認另一種「客觀真實」的存在,那是一種被多人共有而基於文化/歷史的存在;一種不被個人信仰扭曲,並超越我們任何一個人的存在。

Whilst I acknowledge that the so-called “truth” largely is a subjective matter based upon individual memory and experience, I also acknowledge that there is an “objective truth”, the one that is shared by many and based upon culture/ history; one that does not alter because of an individual’s belief, one that is larger than each of us. 




For A: 

Subject truth = Olivia is picking a fight

Objective truth = what A believes




For me: 

Subjective truth = Olivia is explaining/ confirming an objective truth 

Objective truth = simply what it is


There are people like A, B and C in our lives; the overly-confident, the politically-correct, the none-of-my-business. I think about them often in the years to follow, under different circumstances. Would you let them change your relationship with an objective truth? I would not. A can have pho with mint for the rest of his life , it is entirely his choice;; I’ll enjoy mine the way it should be. 


ps. Today me and A had pho again. I saw that he quietly put the Thai basil into his soup. 


Where you live

Wayne Dyer:「介於 花朵 與 野草 之間唯一的不同在於 人們對它們的批判

最近,你是住在 繁花盛開的花園 中,還是 雜草叢生的荒地裡 呢?

Wayne Dyer : “The only difference between a flower and a weed is judgement”

Lately, have you been living in a blooming garden, or a overgrown field? 
