Simple story



男人A告訴男人B: “我必須告訴你一件事。如果你聽了不高興,那也沒辦法。”A開始告訴B他對B的不滿。


B: “這是你要告訴我的事情的全部?”

A: “是。”

B: “你告訴我以後心裡舒服了嗎?”

A: “舒服了。”

B張開雙臂, A與B互相擁抱。


Our Uber driver told us a story today:

He visited the small town his wife was born at Sicily, and met her extended family. The men were sitting around the table chatting.

Man A said to man B: “I really need to tell you something. If you are offended then so be it.” A started telling B about what he was unhappy about B.

At the end of it, B stood up, walked over to A, looked A in the eyes. Other men at the table thought a punch out was brewing.. 

B: “Is that all you have to say to me?”

A: “Yes.”

B: “Are you happy that you told me?”

A: “Yes.”

B opened his arms, A and B hugged.

I just wanted to share this simple and beautiful story.