我養了一株漂亮的 「希望」蔓綠絨 有一陣子了。
I have this beautiful plant for a while now. It is a Philodandron “Hope”.
最近在我早晨的例行散步時,我開始在各種地方注意到它的存在 - 公園,行人步道,想得到的地方幾乎都有。 它應該在那些地方生長了數十載了吧?只不過我不知道罷了。
Recently, during my morning walks I have started to notice it everywhere - parks, sidewalks, you name it. It would have been growing in those locations for decades, I just didn’t know.
直到自己擁有一個 希望,才能夠認出 希望 的形狀;然後你會發現,只要你願意留意四周,希望 無處不在。(我就是要語出雙關)
It takes owning one Hope to recognize the shape of Hope; and you will realize that Hope is everywhere if you are willing to look. Pun intended.
My “Hope”
“Hope” can be found everywhere