在第二次發酵後,TA(總酸度)值為5.325,PH值為3.9 - 理想的數值應該是TA值大約6及PH值大約3.4。於是我們取出約200ml的樣本來做一些實驗。
After secondary fermentation the TA (titratible acidity) level was measured at 5.325 and PH level at 3.9 - ideally we would like TA to be around 6 and PH around 3.4. So we took out around 200ml of sample to trial.
At first we tried to lower the PH with tannin rather than acid as TA level was quite close, but it was ineffective (and tasted horrid). So we started over and tried with tartaric acid, which worked very well. Then we had to decide how far we want to take it.. considering balance between TA, PH and taste, we decided on TA at 6 and leaving the PH at 3.6.
Alcohol measured at 16%, slightly on the high side. But it has lowered from the 17% after primary fermentation, I suppose it would lower during aging.
Last post I mentioned about the wine somehow “lacking depth”. So we decided to try sur lie aging for 4 months and see how it goes.