我一向都會游泳,但卻從來沒有完全的享受游泳。在我的認知中,游泳就是與氧氣的角力 - 動作的速度及連動的氧氣消耗,讓我覺得一直被自己追逐著,令我氣喘吁吁,筋疲力盡。儘管如此我仍然持續的游泳,主要是為了保持健康,及讓我在工地現場持續站數小時的腿能夠短暫的逃離地心引力。
留意到不同的是在我從 新喀里多尼亞 旅行回來後的第一次游泳。在 新喀里多尼亞 時,我們不知疲倦的浮潛,跟著海浪漂浮尋找海中多彩的珊瑚及魚群。身上配備的安全裝備讓我無須考慮游泳的技能程度,而完全的享受海水。我感覺到如此的平靜。
I have always been able to swim, but never quite enjoyed it. I used to find swimming a struggle with oxygen - the pace of movement and consequent oxygen consumption made me feel as though I was chased by myself, leaving me short of breath and exhausted. Regardlessly I continued to swim for fitness, and to briefly alleviate sore feet from gravity after standing on construction site for hours.
It was the first swim after traveling to New Caledonia I noticed the difference. At New Caledonia, we snorkelled for hours tirelessly, looking at the colourful corals and fishes following the wave. With all the safety gears, there was no need to consider swimming skill, and I was able to fully concentrate on enjoying the water. I felt such peace.
回到雪梨後我去了第一次的游泳,我突然留意到當我把頭埋入水中,我又能夠與那個平靜的感覺再次連結上;當我完全的沈浸在水中(並緩慢的換氣)而非急促的趕著完成我例行的游泳趟數(並氣喘吁吁)時,游泳是多麼舒暢的活動;而游泳的重點,對我而言應該是 我在水中的時間,而不是我在換氣的時間。
我終於明白了,其實我一直對 離開陸地身在水中 感到恐懼。當我放開了這種恐懼,接受了身在水中的狀況,我了解了其實沒有什麼需要懼怕的 - 畢竟,我是會游泳的。從那時起,游泳成為了我期待的活動,不再只是為了保持健康而已。
Once I was back in Sydney and went for my first swim, suddenly I noticed that when my head was in the water, I was able to reconnect with the peacefulness; that swimming was much more pleasurable when I fully immersed myself in the water (and breathed slowly) rather than racing to finish my routine laps (and out of breath); that the point about swimming for me should have been about the time I spent in the water, rather than the time I took in oxygen.
I realised that I was constantly in fear of being in water where I was away from the land. Once I let go of the fear and accepted the fact that I was really in the water, I understood that there was nothing to fear for - after all, I can swim. Since then, swimming became something I look forward to, instead of something I do just for fitness.
I can be taught the skill, but cannot be taught the enjoyment to be gained from having the skill. It is something I needed to learn myself.