slice of time



我們共4個人 - 2x 建築師(我與Y),電工J,程序員T。


當我們終於達到共識,在寬慰與疲累的一瞬我突兀的發現,我們4個人都來自不同的地方 - T 來自東加,J來自中國,Y來自日本,我來自臺灣。我們跨過了汪洋大陸同來到這個地方為了燈光明暗調節討論到凌晨。

這個一瞬間有一種異常珍貴的美好… 喔,而且我們也解決了燈光調節的問題。

Just finished a light commissioning session on site at a restaurant we recently completed.

The session started at 10pm, concluded at 1am.

There were 4 of us - 2 architects (me and Y), electrician J and programmer T.

We stood around these tiny LED downlights, discussing about why they are not dimming with the Dali lighting control system.

When we finally arrived at a point of agreement, in a moment of relief and exhaustion I strangely noticed that the 4 of us were all from different places - T from Tonga, J from China, Y from Japan, me from Taiwan. We crossed continents to be here at the same place talking about dimming downlights until the wee hours.

There is something very precious about this slice of time…. oh and we figured out the dimming too.

(left to right) Y, T, J

(left to right) Y, T, J