Eternity is never a choice anyway


I always remember, in the introductory chapter of The Story Of The Stone, the notion of “existence” vs “liveliness” was discussed. A rock acquired eternal existence without emotion, emotion is almost the “ticket” to eternity. At a young age I asked myself, if there is a choice, would I have chosen an eternal but emotionless existence, or a comparatively short but lively existence? My choice was, and still is, the latter. 


At one stage a friend commented that my life resembled the midday tv melodrama - no, not even prime time. A lot was happening all at once, and I accepted the melodrama as consequence of my earlier choice. Only recently I have been challenged to rethink this. 


As I got older it is not melodrama but real turbulence I have been facing, and it should not equate to my sense of what “life” or “liveliness” should be. Putting up with injustice, negativity and heartache in life does not mean a lively existence; a calm existence does not equate to emotionless either. The choice was never black and white, our only real choice is to live the best we can.