很多時候有一些人事物,不管我們付出了多少努力都避免不了。而當不可避免的事發生時,有時候其實並沒有我們想像的那麼糟糕,或者其實有別的出口 - 只是要到我們已經足夠接近了才能夠看得見。
Yesterday I rode 27km on my new bicycle to an appointment and back. Being a weak cyclist, even though the bicycle is pedal-assisted it was still an ambitious challenge. I mapped out my route, tried to avoid fast roads with fast cars, only found myself lost several times along the way and ended up at the fast road I tried to avoid. Only then I noticed a small side street running parallel to the fast road, without hesitation I took the steep but slower side street, went around a slightly longer route and made it to my appointment on time.
A lot of the times there are things we simply can not avoid regardless of how much effort we put in. And when the unavoidable really happens, sometimes it’s not as bad as we thought, or there is a way to get out of it - which we can only see when we are that close.
Deep breath, stay calm.
It’s really not that bad.