the only life

前一陣子我看了電影“Mr. Nobody"。

電影大致上敘說,Nemo Nobody在某個時間點上所作出的不同的選擇分歧出不同的人生分支。令我難忘的是,Nemo Nobody的每一個人生分支,都是以相同的情緒密度演繹;對每一個人生分支的Nemo來說,那都是他唯一僅有的人生。



A while back I watched the movie “Mr. Nobody”.

It is about different choices Nemo Nobody made at a particular moment in time led to different lives. What struck me was that the split lives of Nemo Nobody have all been portrayed with the same emotional intensity; to each Nemo at each split life, that is the only life he knows of.

There is no right or wrong in a choice we make; a choice merely leads to a different life. What matters is at the point of making that choice, we try our best to make the best choice we can. And stop thinking about the “What if” beyond that point; I don’t know about any other life/ lives I could have had if I have made a choice differently.

The choices I made to date led me onto this life I have right now, and it is the only life I have. My very own.