“How did I get here?” is a question I sometimes ask myself, when I find myself on a surfboard early on a Saturday morning. It is a literal question, especially when the morning is a cold windy one in the midst of winter.
The answer is also just as literal. I would have been monitoring the tide information from 48 hours prior, chosen the beach, set my alarm according to tidal movement naming it “surfing”, waken up, put on the sunscreen and wetsuit (as uncomfortable as it is to drive in I still prefer to), eaten a light breakfast, loaded the board in or on top of the car, driven to the beach, observed the tide, stretched on the sand, paddled out... then found myself thinking “how did I get here?”. All steps before waking up are anticipation; from that point onwards it is almost muscle reflex. The 5-step distance between my bed and the bathroom where I put on the wetsuit, is the trigger to kick start the muscle reflex.
在我們的人生中,如果想要到達任何一個地方 - 不管是好的,壞的,還是只是一個中繼站 - 都需要經過一連串的步驟與行動。有的時候這些繁複的步驟與行動似乎很嚇人,甚至會讓人裹足不前,不知道從何開始。但是如果我們能夠慢慢建立起一系列正面的「肌肉記憶」,或許有這麼一天,我們可以像肌肉反射動作般,自然的 跨出第一步。
It always take a series of steps and actions to get to any place - good, bad, or just inbetween - in our lives. Those steps and actions can be daunting or even paralyzing, that we don’t know where to start. But if we are able to build a positive sequence of “muscle memory”, maybe one day, taking the first step can become a natural muscle reflex.
To moving forward.